In 2020, Japan Desk Scotland ran workshops on Japan at various places in Scotland and beyond. The workshops from January to March and from October to December were supported by a grant from the Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation.
● 20 January: The ‘Japanese Club’ at Cumbernauld Academy, North Lanarkshire, Scotland, on ‘wedding gifts in Japan’;
● 23 January: Thornliebank Primary School, North Renfrewshire, Scotland, for P6 class, including the screening of ‘Yawata Primary, Soma City, Fukushima‘;
● 29 January: St Thomas Primary School, Glasgow, Scotland, for two P5 classes, including the screening of ‘Yawata Primary, Soma City, Fukushima‘;
● 3, 17 and 24 February: Hillhead Primary School, Glasgow, Scotland, for Taiko workshops for three P5 classes;
● 2 March: The ‘Japanese Club’ at Cumbernauld Academy, North Lanarkshire, Scotland, on ‘Japanese calligraphy’;
● 11 March: Victoria Park Primary School, Dundee, Scotland, for P5 class, including the screening of ‘Yawata Primary, Soma City, Fukushima‘;
● 12 March: Strathblane Primary School, Stirling, Scotland, for P7 class, including the screening of ‘Yawata Primary, Soma City, Fukushima‘;
● 13 March: Newton Primary School, Stirling, Scotland, for two P5 classes, including the screening of ‘Yawata Primary, Soma City, Fukushima‘;
● 17 October: Online Japanese Calligraphy as Meditation for Glasgow University Students‘ Representative Council, Glasgow, Scotland; and
● 9 and 12 December: Online Japanese Calligraphy as Meditation for Glasgow University Students’ Representative Council, Glasgow, Scotland, as part of SRC’s ‘De-Stress’ activities for students during the exam period.