Japan Workshops in 2024

In 2024, Japan Desk Scotland ran workshops on Japan in Scotland. The workshops from January to March were supported by a grant from the Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation.

● 22 January: Cumbernauld Academy, North Lanarkshire, Scotland. The Japanese Club and a workshop for the Superheroes class on the theme of ‘Noto Earthquake, and dog/cat cafes’;

● 31 January: Moving Image Archive, National Library of Scotland at KelvinHall, Glasgow, Scotland, ‘The Lotus Club: Japanese documentary series”.  Japan Desk Scotland’s ‘Our Scotland: a Japanese perspective‘ (2013) and “Our friends in Fukushima” (2013) were screened. The screening was followed by a discussion;

● 7,  21 and 28 February: Hillhead Primary School, Glasgow, Scotland. Taiko Japanese drumming workshops at Wellington Church for three P5 classes (nine Taiko workshops in total);

● 19 February: Cumbernauld Academy, North Lanarkshire, Scotland. The Japanese Club and a workshop for the Superheroes class on the theme of ‘Valentine’s Day in Japan’;

● 22 February: Antonine Primary School, Glasgow, Scotland. A workshop on Japan for P4/5 class, including the screening of “Yawata Primary, Soma City, Fukushima“;

● 28 February: Moving Image ArchiveNational Library of Scotland at KelvinHall, Glasgow, Scotland, ‘The Lotus Club: Japanese documentary series”.  Japan Desk Scotland’s ‘Fukushima: 2011-2015‘ (2016) was screened. The screening was followed by a discussion.

● 6 March: Strathblane Primary School, Stirling, Scotland. A workshop on Japan for P6 class, including the screening of “Yawata Primary, Soma City, Fukushima“;

● 18 March:Cumbernauld Academy, North Lanarkshire, Scotland. The Japanese Club and a workshop for the Superheroes class on the theme of ‘Hanami (cheery-blossom viewing)’;

● 20 March: Colquhoun Park Primary School, East Dunbartonshire, Scotland. Two workshops on Japan for P5 class and P6 class;

● 27 March: Moving Image ArchiveNational Library of Scotland at Kelvin Hall, Glasgow, Scotland, ‘The Lotus Club: Japanese documentary series”. Japan Desk Scotland’s ‘Hiroshima after Fukushima’ (2018) and ‘The bird, the tree, the bell and the fish of Glasgow‘ (2014) were screened. The screening was followed by a discussion;

● On Tuesdays from 23 January  to 2 April,  the ‘Calligraphy as Meditation’ session was held at Prayer and Reflection room, University of Glasgow Chaplaincy, Glasgow, Scotland;

● 17 April: Moving Image ArchiveNational Library of Scotland at Kelvin Hall, Glasgow, Scotland, ‘The Lotus Club: Japanese documentary series’. Japan Desk Scotland’s ‘Evacuation Order in Fukushima – July 2017‘ (2018) was screened. The screening was followed by a discussion;

● 22 April: Cumbernauld Academy, North Lanarkshire, Scotland. The Japanese Club and a workshop for the Superheroes class on the theme of ‘Matcha’;

● 24 April and 1 and 8 May: Hillhead Primary School, Glasgow, Scotland. Workshops on origami for four P1 classes (12 Origami workshops in total);

● 9 May: Glencairns Primary School, Motherwell, North Lanarkshire, Scotland. A worskop on Japan for P6 class, including the screening of “Yawata Primary, Soma City, Fukushima“;

●16 May: Fordbank Primary School, Renfrewshire, Scotland. A workshop for combined two P7 classes, including the screening of “Yawata Primary, Soma City, Fukushima“;

●20 May: Cumbernauld Academy, North Lanarkshire, Scotland. The Japanese Club and a workshop for the Senior Boys  on the theme of ‘Koi-nobori’;

● 29 May: Moving Image Archive, National Library of Scotland at Kelvin Hall, Glasgow, Scotland, ‘The Lotus Club: Japanese documentary series”. Japan Desk Scotland’s ‘Design Kimono – Koji YOSHIE‘ (2017) and ‘Live a tradition in Maramurs, Romania‘ (2014) were screened. The screening was followed by a discussion.

● 7 June: Knightswood Primary School, Glasgow, Scotland. A workshop on Japan for two combined P4 classes, including the screening of “Yawata Primary, Soma City, Fukushima“;

● 10 June: Cumbernauld Academy, North Lanarkshire, Scotland. The Japanese Club and a workshop for the Senior Boys  on the theme of ‘Japanese music’;

● 19 June: Sandwood Primary School, Glasgow, Scotland. A workshop on Japan for P5 class;

● 23 June: Wellington Church, Glasgow, Scotland: The screening of Japan Desk Scotland’s 12th Fukushima documentary, ‘12 Years After – Fukushima in 2023‘. This was jointly organised by Wellington Church, Japanese Matsuri for Glasgow, and Japan Desk Scotland;

● On Tuesdays from 23 April  to 25 June, the ‘Calligraphy as Meditation’ session was held at Prayer and Reflection room, University of Glasgow Chaplaincy, Glasgow, Scotland;

● 31 July: Moving Image ArchiveNational Library of Scotland at Kelvin Hall, Glasgow, Scotland. “The Lotus Club: Japanese documentary series”.  Japan Desk Scotland’s ‘Fukushima: Radiation map and Evacuation’ (2020, 65 mins) was screened. The screening was followed by a discussion.

● 28 August: Moving Image Archive, National Library of Scotland at Kelvin Hall, Glasgow, Scotland. “The Lotus Club: Japanese documentary series”.  Japan Desk Scotland’s ‘Rehabilitate Tomioka, Fukushima‘ (2020, 70 mins)  was screened. The screening was followed by a discussion.

● 18 September: St Mark’s Primary School, Hamilton, South Lanarkshire, Scotland. A workshop on Japan for P4/5 class;

● 25 September: Kelvin Hall, Glasgow, Scotland. “The Lotus Club: Japanese documentary series”. Japan Desk Scotland’s ‘The Clyde made Glasgow – John Fyfe Anderson‘ (2016, 31 mins), and ‘Pipe organ explained –  Alan Kitchen‘ (2019, 35 mins0 were screened.  The screening was followed by a discussion;

● 3 October: Wellshot Primary School, Glasgow, Scotland. Two workshops on Japan for two P7 classes;

● 7 October: Cumbernauld Academy, North Lanarkshire, Scotland. The Japanese Club and a workshop for the Senior Boys  on the theme of ‘Japanese colour’, especially ‘Benibana of Yamagata’;

● 20 October : Moving Image Archive, National Library of Scotland at Kelvin Hall, Glasgow, Scotland.”The Lotus Club: Japanese documentary series”.  Japan Desk Scotland’s ‘Action for peace – Sally Beaumont‘ (2015, 23 mins), ‘Remember Lt. Jack M. Young‘ (2019, 13 mins), and ‘Live a librarian – Sheila Craik‘ (2019, 18 mins)  were screened. The screening was followed by a discussion.

● 4 November: Cumbernauld Academy, North Lanarkshire, Scotland. The Japanese Club and a workshop for the Senior Boys  on the theme of ‘sports day in Japan’;

● 6 November: St John Vianney Primary School, Edinburgh, Scotland. Two workshops on Japan for two P6 classes;

● 13 November: Kilmacolm Primary School, Inverclyde, Scotland, to run a workshop on Japan for P6 class, including the screening of part of JDS’s ‘Hiroshima after Fukushima‘;

● On Tuesdays from 6 August to 26 November, the ‘Calligraphy as Meditation’ session was held at Prayer and Reflection room, University of Glasgow Chaplaincy, Glasgow, Scotland;

● 27 November : Moving Image Archive, National Library of Scotland at Kelvin Hall, Glasgow, Scotland. “The Lotus Club: Japanese documentary series”.  Japan Desk Scotland’s ‘Fukushima July 2022‘ (2023, 90 mins) was  screened. The screening was followed by a discussion’; and

● 9 December: Cumbernauld Academy, North Lanarkshire, Scotland. The Japanese Club and a workshop for the Senior Boys  on the theme of ‘Christmas in Japan’.