In 2014/15, Japan Desk Scotland organised six Japan Matters public lectures mostly around the theme of Fukushima nuclear accident and environmental radiation issues in Fukushima Prefecture, with grant from the Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation, working together with various organisations.
The lectures were free and open to the public.
(1) Sunday 15 June 2014 from 2.30pm
‘Fukushima University Institute of Environmental Radioactivity’
Professor Kenji NANBA, Vice Director, Fukushima University Institute of Environmental Radioactivity
Interfaith Room on the basement of Glasgow University Chapel (please enter from the steps, in the Square, leading to the Chapel)
This was co-organised by University of Glasgow Chaplaincy and Japan Desk Scotland.
(2-4) Tuesday 7 October (St Andrew’s and St George’s West Church, Edinburgh) , Thursday 9 October (Ferryhill Parish Church, Aberdeen) and Friday 10 October (University of Strathclyde Chaplaincy Centre, Glasgow, as part of Japan@Strathclyde)
‘Environmental radiation in Fukushima’
Mr Kimiaki Saito, Japan Atomic Energy Agency
(5) Thursday 20 November from 11 am
‘EU-Japan relations in Science, Technology and Innovation’
Mr Patrick Villet-Philippe, formerly Japan and Russia Desks, DG Research and Innovation, European Commission
Glasgow Caledonian University, William Harley Building, H112 (GradSpace)
(6) Wednesday 11 March 2015 from 6.30pm
The 4th anniversary of the Tohoku (East Japan) Earthquake
Japan Desk Scotland’s third documentary on Fukushima, ‘Here and there in Fukushima‘ was screened, and a hymn written by Rev David Sinclair, Wellington Church, for those affected by the Earthquake was sung. He offered a prayer.
Wellington Church, 77 Southpark Avenue, Glasgow, G12 8LE