In 2023, Japan Desk Scotland ran workshops on Japan in Scotland. The workshops from January to March and from August to December were supported by grants from the Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation.
● 23 January: Cumbernauld Academy, North Lanarkshire, Scotland, the Japanese Club and for the Superheroes class on the theme of Japanese New Year;
● 10 February: St Mark’s Primary School, Hamilton, South Lanarkshire, Scotland, a workshop on Japan for P4/5 class, including the screening of JDS’s ‘Yawata Primary, Soma City, Fukushima‘;
● 20 February: Cumbernauld Academy, North Lanarkshire, Scotland, the Japanese Club on the theme of ‘snow monkey’;
● 23 February: Strathblane Primary School, Stirling, Scotland, a workshop on Japan for a P6 class, including the screening of JDS’s ‘Yawata Primary, Soma City, Fukushima‘;
● 3 March: Hillhead Primary School, Glasgow, Scotland, Taiko workshops at Wellington Church for three P5 classes;
● 13 March; Fordbank Primary School, Renfrshire, Scotland, workshop on Hiroshima for a P7 class, including the screening of JDS’s ‘Hiroshima after Fukushima’;
● 20 March: Cumbernauld Academy, North Lanarkshire, Scotland, the Japanese Club and for the Superheroes class on the theme of ‘hanami’;
● On Tuesdays from 24 January to 4 April, the ‘Calligraphy as Meditation’ session was held at Prayer and Reflection room, University of Glasgow Chaplaincy, Glasgow, Scotland;
● 20 and 27 April and 4 May: Hillhead Primary School, Glasgow, Scotland, origami workshops for three P1 classes; and
● 24 April: Cumbernauld Academy, North Lanarkshire, Scotland, the Japanese Club on the theme of a teacxher’s visit to Japan’;
● 10 May: Holytown Primary School, North Lanarkshire, Scotland, a workshop on Japan for a P5/6 class, including the screening of JDS’s ‘Yawata Primary, Soma City, Fukushima‘;
● 18 May: Victoria Park Primary School, Dundee, Scotland, a workshop on Japan for a P6 class;
● 22 May: Cumbernauld Academy, North Lanarkshire, Scotland, the Japanese Club and a workshop on Japan for Super heroes Class, on the theme of flowers in spring;
● 12 June: Cumbernauld Academy, North Lanarkshire, Scotland, the Japanese Club and a workshop on Japan for Super heroes Class, on the theme of Japanese foods;
● On Tuesdays from 25 April to 20 June, the ‘Calligraphy as Meditation’ session was held at Prayer and Reflection room, University of Glasgow Chaplaincy, Glasgow, Scotland;
● 2 October: Cumbernauld Academy, North Lanarkshire, Scotland, the Japanese Club and a workshop on Japan for Super heroes Class, on the theme of ‘purity Japanese way’;
● 20 November: Cumbernauld Academy, North Lanarkshire, Scotland, the Japanese Club and a workshop on Japan for Super heroes Class, on the theme of ‘chopsticks’;
● 23 November: Riverbank Primary School, North Lanarkshire, Scotland, a workshop on Japan for a P7 class, including the screening of JDS’s ‘Yawata Primary, Soma City, Fukushima‘;
● On Tuesdays from 1 August to 5 December, the ‘Calligraphy as Meditation’ session was held at Prayer and Reflection room, University of Glasgow Chaplaincy, Glasgow, Scotland;
● 8 December: University of Glasgow Memorial Chapel, Glasgow, Scotland, “Calligraphy, Origami and Colouring as Meditation’ as part of Students’ Representative Council’s “De-Stress’ activities during the exam period;
● 11 December: Cumbernauld Academy, North Lanarkshire, Scotland, the Japanese Club and a workshop on Japan for Super heroes Class, on the theme of ‘Christmas in Japan’; and
● 12 December: Prayer and Reflection Room, University of Glasgow Chaplaincy, Glasgow, Scotland, “Calligraphy, Origami and Colouring as Meditation’ as part of Students’ Representative Council’s “De-Stress’ activities during the exam period.