In 2021, Japan Desk Scotland ran workshops on Japan in Scotland. The workshops were supported by a grant from the Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation.
● 21 April: Online Beginners Japanese for Glasgow University Students’ Representative Council, Glasgow, Scotland, as part of SRC’s ‘De-Stress’ activities for students during the exam period;
● 3 June: Antonine Primary School, Glasgow, Scotland, a workshop on Japan for a P7 class, including the screening of ‘Yawata Primary, Soma City, Fukushima‘;
● 13, 20 and 27 September and 4 Oct: Calligraphy as Meditation, University of Glasgow Memorial Chapel, Glasgow, Scotland;
● Tuesdays from 14 September to 21 December: Calligraphy as Meditation, Reflection and Prayer Room, University of Glasgow Chaplaincy, Glasgow, Scotland;
● 4 Oct: The Japanese Club at Cumbernauld Academy. North Lanarkshire, Scotland, on ‘Japanese Calligraphy’, including the the screening of ‘Yawata Primary, Soma City, Fukushima‘;
● 18 Oct: The Superheroes at Cumbernauld Academy, North Lanarkshire, Scotland, on Japan:
● 19 Nov: Hillhead Primary School, Glasgow, Scotland, a workshop on Japan for three P6 classes;
● 22 Nov: The Japanese Club at Cumbernauld Academy. North Lanarkshire, Scotland, on ‘Hokusai’. This was followed by a workshop on Japan for the Superheroes;
● 1 Dec: Strathblane Primary School, Stirling, Scotland, a workshop on Japan for P7 class, including the the screening of ‘Yawata Primary, Soma City, Fukushima‘;
● 3 Dec: Glasgow University Students’ Representative Council, a workshop on Japanese Calligraphy and Origami at Williams Room, McIntyre Building, as part of SRC’s ‘Winter De-Stress’ activities held during the examination time;
● 6 Dec: The Japanese Club at Cumbernauld Academy. North Lanarkshire, Scotland, on ‘Christmas in Japan’. This was followed by a workshop on Japan for the Superheroes;
● 13 Dec: Fordbank Primary School, Johnstone, Renfrewshire, Scotland, a joint workshop on Japan for two P7 classes; and
● 27 Dec: Glasgow University International Student Support and Glasgow University Chaplaincy, an online workshop on Japanese calligraphy.