‘Glasgow West Housing Association: an unofficial story’

Please click here to view this documentary from the homepage of Moving Image Archive, National Library of Scotland.

Please click here to view its shorter version, ‘GWHA: A Short Story”, from the homepage of Moving Image Archive, National Library of Scotland.


This is an unofficial story of a housing association in Glasgow by one of its tenants and its Management Committee members.

Glasgow West Housing Association’s history can be dated back to 1978 when Hillhead Housing Association was established by two churches in the West End of Glasgow: Wellington Church and Hillhead Baptist Church. It started as a small housing association, but it developed gradually through mergers and the transfer of housing stocks from Glasgow Housing Association to become a medium-size housing association with about 1,500 housing units. What are values and views that have shaped this organisation? Interviews were carried out with those who played key roles in its development.

Interviewed guests in order of appearances: Jim Micheal, Janet Craig, Janette MacDonald, Moira Wadsworth, Linda Reid, Elaine Travers, Bob Hay, Ruth Brogan, Walter Halley and Anne Allan


Directed, Filmed and Edited by: Yushin Toda
Produced by: Fumi Nakabachi and Yushin Toda, Japan Desk Scotland
41 minutes
In English
©2015 Japan Desk Scotland

Its shorter version, ‘GWHA: a short story‘ (17 mins) was made in 2016.


You can watch the short version on the homepage of Moving Image archive, National Library of Scotland.

This is part of documentary films production. This has been shown:

(1) on Wednesday 15 June 2016 in the Interfaith Room, University of Glasgow Chaplaincy, Glasgow, Scotland, as part of ‘Intangible legacies‘ event jointly organised by University of Glasgow Chaplaincy and Japan Desk Scotland. It was also part of the West End Festival;

(2) on Wednesday 9 November 2016 at University of Strathclyde Chaplaincy Centre, Glasgow, Scotland, as part of Japan@Strathclyde 2016/17; and

(3) on Tuesday 6 December 2022 at Glasgow West Housing Association‘s Strategy Review.