Japan Matters public lecture 2014/15
‘Science diplomacy: new opportunities for EU-Japan cooperation’
Mr Patrcik Vittet-Philippe, formerly Japan and Russia Desks, DG Research and Innovation, European Commission
Thursday 20 November from 11.00am – 1.00pm,
Glasgow Caledonian University, William Harley Building (No 2 on the campus map), H112 (GradSpace)
(Lunch was provided)
This lecture was co-organised by Japan Desk Scotland, with grant from the Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation, and The Europe Office at Glasgow Caledonian University.
The lecture was free and open to the public.
A graduate of Ecole Normale Supérieure, Patrick Vittet-Philippe joined the European Commission in 1995, after working at Trinity College Dublin and Merton College Oxford as a lecturer, in the French Diplomatic Service as Culture and Media Attaché at the French Embassies in Israel, the UK and the US, and at the Association of Commercial Television in Europe as the Executive Director.
At the EC he was the lead drafter of key EC documents on internet policy, digital convergence, e-commerce and digital economy issues, and a joint drafter of the e-Commerce Directive. He also represented the EC on the OECD Working Group on the Information Economy. As senior press and information officer at DG Research and Innovation he organised many high-level events on EU research and on science communication. He also commissioned over two dozens award-winning science TV documentaries and magazines on EU research.
From 2012 until his retirement in September 2014 he was responsible for co-ordinating S&T cooperation between the EU and Japan. He was directly involved in the preparation of several EU-Japan Summits and in negotiations on the Strategic Partnership Agenda (SPA) between the EU and Japan.