In January and February 2014, Japan Desk Scotland ran a series of five workshops on Japan, Japan@Strathclyde, at University of Strathclyde on Wednesday afternoons, in collaboration with the University’s Equality & Diversity and Chaplaincy Centre, as part of its Japan-themed workshops.
Day 1 (15 January) Introduction to Japan:
Japan’s geography and history were introduced as well as cultural traits found in people from Japan.
Day 2 (22 January) Scotland in a Japanese perspective:
JDS’s ‘Our Scotland: a Japanese perspective‘ was screened, which is about such issues as inclusion, multiculturalism, and what is meant by sharing other cultures. In it, a comparison was made between a Scottish ceilidh and a Japanese festival run by Japanese Matsuri for Glasgow.
Day 3 (29 January) Historical relations between Scotland and Japan:
The historical relations between the two countries since the middle of the 19th century were presented, especially an important role played by Anderson College, now the University of Strathclyde.
Day 4 (5 February) Hiroshima and Nagasaki:
JDS’s ‘Hiroshima in 2013‘ was screened. The documentary follows the question: What do you see in Hiroshima? What do you see in Hiroshima especially after the nuclear accident at Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant in March 2011?
Day 5 (12 February) Fukushima nuclear accident
JDS’s ‘Our friends in Fukushima‘ was screened. The documentary traces some scientists at Fukushima University. They knew little about nuclear issues at the time of the accident in March 2011, but made a radiation map within three weeks from the accident, which played an important role in changing the government’s evacuation plan.
Venue: The Chaplaincy Centre, Level 2, Graham Hills Building, University of Strathclyde, 50 George Street, Glasgow, G1 1QE